Are there other benefits of having a good laugh?There is lots of evidence that laughter does a lot of good things: Laughing appears to boost your blood flow and it may reduce your risk of developing heart disease. It reduces pain and blood sugar levels. Researchers are not certain how laughter expands blood vessels. One idea is that it is caused by chemicals called endorphins being released as we laugh. There is another that laughter helps your blood vessels to function better. It acts on the inner lining of blood vessels, causing vessels to relax, expand and increase blood flow. Laughing reduces allergic responses, including hay fever symptoms. Laughing is thought to help you in fighting off illnesses by boosting the immune system. Laughing lifts your mood - even if you fake your laugh. Laughing reduces the effect of stress by lowering stress hormone levels. Laughter establishes, or restores as the case may be a positive emotional climate and a sense of connection between two people.
There are a lot of information anymore.
4 件のコメント:
I think good that many words were written.It would be better if you chenge colors of important words.
Hey! Nana.K!! Your new hair style is cute;D
This blog has a lot of information. But I have a idea. you should insist some important words. It would be good.
It is good that your blog has a lot of information. It would be better if you should change URL into links.
I agree with my little pony!
you are sooooo cute and blog design are cute too!
but you should change link icons.